Friday 20 November 2015

Grade 9 Art - Day 49 "Cultural Symbols and Characters"

In today's class, we will be examining a symbol or character from another language or culture.  Let's start with a little history.

As humans, our system of communication is unique on this planet in the way that we communicate using symbols.  Be it letters, words, kanji characters, or graphics, we can communicate our thoughts in a variety of powerful ways.

Your task today is to pick a word that is important to you.  Perhaps it's "Hope" in the face of adversity, or perhaps "Acceptance" in response to race-based events in our world.  Whatever your word is, I want it to have meaning to you personally.

Using your iPads, research symbols from other cultures that are used to communicate your word!

Here are some examples:

Using materials found in this room, I want you to pretend that you are a graphic designer. You can take your symbol and weave it into a mixed-media creation of your choosing.

It might be a good time to review the steps of the creative process (see white board) as you complete this task for your design company. Good luck!

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