Wednesday 30 September 2015

Grade 9 Art - Day 16

Our next art terminology study will focus on Colour.

As I have said in class, as I stand before you I am visible to you because the light is on....I am a reflection of light, electromagnetic energy that your retina is able to decipher.

These rays of light, when passing through prism, allow us see to see the colours that rays of light consist of.  The primary colours are red, yellow, and blue.  they are primary because they are not made up of other colours, but when combined with other colours can create secondary colours.  The secondary colours work like this: red + yellow = orange, red + blue = purple, yellow + blue = green.  If your further mix a primary colour with a secondary colour, you can create a tertiary colour. An example would be the lime green colour that is created by mixing green with yellow.

Have a look at this example of a colour wheel to better understand the interactions of colour:

Here is a few more important colour related words:

Achromatic: a work of art with no colour, consisting of black, white, and shades of gray
Complimentary Colours: Colours from opposite sides of the colour wheel that because of their stark contrast, are visually appealing.
Intensity: refers to how bright or dull a colour is 

Expression and Colour
We tend to associate certain moods and feelings with colours.  Yellow tends to remind us of a bright, sunny day...happy moments!  When a person is feeling blue, it is easy to understand why we associate the colour blue with having the blues!
Are there colours that you associate with certain feelings?  Are you compelled to wear certain colours when you are feeling a particular emotion?  How can you work a colour into a piece of art to change the expressive quality of the piece?

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