Wednesday 20 February 2013

Snow Day Thoughts!

Just because it's a snow day, doesn't mean we can't still be thinking just a little bit about the Visual Arts.  I wanted to share a few things with you.

Years ago I toured through Italy.  When visiting the many different museums, churches, and galleries I was fortunate to see a great many beautiful pieces of art, masterpieces of human achievement.  Michelangelo's work figured prominently in this tour.  His sculptures and frescoes were so intricate.  The tour guide explained one thing to the group that stuck with me.  She said that Michelangelo would receive large pieces of marble and it was his thought as a sculptor that the statue he hoped to create was already in the marble, he just needed to chip away the pieces to reveal it.  I thought that was such a unique and simple view of his work, and I marveled at the juxtaposition between the complexity of his final product and the simplicity of his approach.  Now I can't say for sure whether or not Michelangelo ever said that, but as we prepare to move into our sculpting unit, it might be worthwhile to keep that story in our minds.

Here is an interesting article about some new research regarding the Carrara marble that Michelangelo used to create "David", arguably his most famous piece:
Michelangelo's Flawed Marble

Enjoy your snow day folks!

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