Tuesday, 25 November 2014

AVI1O - Blissymbols!!

One of our important areas of study in Grade 9 art is to be able to "...apply elements and principles of design to create art that communicate ideas and information."   Today we focused on Blissymbols.

Yesterday, we had a presentation on inclusion.  Our guest speaker communicated to us that he learned to use Blissymbols as a vital way to communicate.  If you had no other means of communication, then an international means of communicating through symbols might change your life!

To make our classroom more inclusive, we worked to create small placards that communicate the utility of everyday objects in our environment.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

AVI10 - Reaction to Art

As part of the Grade 9 art program, it is important to be able to identify and describe your reaction to a variety of work.  Today we viewed and discussed the following pieces, sharing our reactions as a group and building upon what each other noted.

We discussed Henry Jones Thaddeus' "The Wounded Poacher".

Initially, the reactions varied from boredom to mild curiosity.  Then we discussed the many elements of the painting one must note to better understand it.  We have a poacher...in the eyes of the law, a criminal.  He is wounded.  On the floor, you see the rabbits he has risked his life to acquire to feed his family.  The home is somewhat rudimentary: the table is mended, a spoon hangs on the wall, simple vegetables are strewn about, etc.  Our perception changed from that of boredom to empathy.  One student noted that it reminded her of Caravaggio's "Judith Beheading Holofernes", seen here:

Holofernes was an Assyrian General who was intending to destroy Judith's home and village.  Judith beats him to the punch, so to speak.  In both paintings, the female subject is cast in an angelic light.  In both paintings, the male subject might be a hero or a criminal, depending on your perspective.  We marvelled at Caravaggio's transition between values and his astute use of space.  We zoomed in on Judith's expression: elements of curiosity, disgust, surprise, and resolution are found in her face.

We also measured our initial reaction to the following works.  What are your reactions as you view them for what may be the first time?

Kara Walker's "Gone".

Paul Peel's "After the Bath".

Sofonisba Anguissola's "Bernardino Campi Painting Sofonisba Anguissola".

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

AVI2O: Careers in the Arts!

AVI2O: Careers in the Arts Assignment

Step One:  Partner Up!!

Step Two: Know Your Role!!  In this assignment, you will be creating a dialogue between an interviewer and an interviewee.  Are you likely to study business or perhaps own your own business in the future?  You might like the opportunity to conduct an interview.  Are you thinking of a career in the arts?  Here is your opportunity to hone your interview skills.

Step Three:  Choose the Career in the Arts!!  Thinking of being a graphic designer?  Or perhaps a 3D animator?  Research the various opportunities that the arts provide for a creative soul like yourself.  Choose a job that interests you.

Step Four: Create your Dialogue!!  Start with a T-Chart.  On one side, write down important questions and concerns that an employer would want to address to ensure that they choose the right employee for their establishment.  On the other side, write down the important skills and attributes that a good employee should have, especially as it relates to the career that you chose.  Now string this all together into an interview dialogue…a skit of sorts.  

Step Five: Performance!!  Just like Step 7 of the Creative Process (Presenting), we need to see what you have put together.  

Tips for Success

Research your career and how interviews are conducted.  Where does one go to school for this career?  What are the specific areas of study?  Where might you have gained experience to help you in your interview?  If you are the interviewer, what are the most important traits, skills, and experience that you are looking for in an employee?  Remember, this employee might be with you for a long time…you want to ask the right questions to make sure they have what it takes!!

Level 4 Checklist

- Students demonstrate that they have integrated original thinking with existing knowledge: Creativity!!
- The roles are clearly identified 
- The dialogue follows a well-researched interview format 
- The interviewer asks questions that are clear and specific to the position applied for
- The questions posed demonstrate a thorough understanding of the specific career
- The questions posed are purposeful and analytical
- The answers provided by the interviewee demonstrate a thorough understanding of the specific career
- Students demonstrate that they have shared responsibility in pursuit of a common objective: Collaboration!
- A minimum of 10 job-specific questions are constructed 

Sample Careers in the Visual Arts (to help you if you're stuck!)

- tattoo artist
- architect
- cake decorator
- scenic designer
- forensic artist
- toy designer
- art therapist
- textile designer
- animator
- museum curator
- art teacher