Wednesday 4 December 2013

Another day with the 3D printer!

Day two: Klein Bottle Complete

Felix Klein first described the Klein bottle in 1882.  He envisioned a "closed manifold, meaning it is a compact manifold without boundary." 

Felix's modern graphic might look like this:

This challenge came from Mr. Morley in the math department...could the 3D printer created a Klein bottle?  If you give it a couple hours...YES!!

Now, wrapping my art mind around this was a little bit difficult, but this is a truly unique project.  It's outside is its inside but it can still hold water?

Now, we are learning to sculpt digitally in 3D.  Here's Erica sculpting on the computer!

Once we complete our sculptures, it is our goal to find a way to print using the Makerbot!

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