Monday 2 November 2015

Grade 11/12 Art - Day 37 "The Burghers of Calais, Session 1"

As we enter into the sculpting unit, I want to focus on famous sculptures throughout history.  One of my personal favourites is Auguste Rodin's "The Burghers of Calais".  Given the complexity of this sculpture, I would like to approach our study of the piece over a few days, just to really break it down to better understand it.  

I will provide a handout with each of the figures.  

I want you to focus on one of the six. Closely study the figure they you have chosen and then imagine yourself as that figure. Please write an account of your point of view, your thoughts and feelings, based on what you see in the sculpture. Your comments should be written in the first person, as though you were one of the men in Rodin’s sculpture. 

Read their comments aloud, then ask if the other students can guess which figure is being discussed. We will compare the comments of students who chose the same figure. How are the observations similar? How are they different? Which emotions does Rodin convey? How has Rodin expressed these emotions? After comparing the comments about different figures, are there any similarities?

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