Monday 28 September 2015

Grade 11/12 Art - Day 14

Our next art methodology iconographic method which focuses on "content over form" in art...a contrast of our study of formalism yesterday.

Iconology is the study of meaning of symbols in art. This includes the description, interpretation, and analysis of icons or iconic representations.

Iconography is the study of the symbols depicted in art.

Rather than stressing a great deal over the differences in these methodological approaches, let's look for symbols and symbolism in art and try to better understand the importance of the symbols to the overall effect.

Take Warhol's image of Marilyn Monroe seen below.  Marilyn Monroe was a sex symbol and this image was so common it was ubiquitous.  The image itself is instantly recognizable, which emphasized Warhol's colours and contrasts in his interpretation.

Have a look at Bruegel's Tower of Babel.  If you recall the religious significance of the story, generate some ideas as you ponder it:

Here is the interpretation from our text, Art Across Time:

"...the biblical text is Genesis 11:6, in which God becomes alarmed at the height of the tower.  He fears that the builders will invade his territory and threaten his authority.  The iconographic elements of Bruegel's picture include the tower as well as the figures and other objects depicted."  The text goes on to say that Bruegel "...refers to God's fear that the tower will reach into the heavens by painting a small, white cloud overlapping the top of the tower.  The cloud thus heightens dramatic tension by referring to the divine retribution that will follow.  Recognizing the symbolic importance of this iconographic detail significantly enriches our understanding of the work as a whole." (Adams)

Seek to better understand the importance of iconic symbols in the art that surrounds you.  If will enrich your experience!!

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